Established in 2020 by the dynamic duo of Giz Moon and Val Choi, CMMAWEAR has quickly emerged as a prominent player in the evolving fashion landscape. Their unique approach to design has garnered a devoted following, largely attributed to their influential presence on YouTube and social media platforms. CMMAWEAR has consistently witnessed its drops selling out in record time, a testament to the brand's allure.

Inspired by the personal styling philosophies of its founders, CMMAWEAR offers everyday apparel that seamlessly blends fashion with functionality. The label's commitment to quality is exemplified through its choice of premium materials, including Ventile, a specially developed high-quality woven cotton fabric, as well as cashmere and super extra fine merino wool. Notably, CMMAWEAR's use of Super R Raccagni zippers further underscores its dedication to excellence in craftsmanship.

CMMAWEAR stands at the forefront of contemporary fashion, offering a unique fusion of style, substance, and innovation. With each collection, the brand continues to captivate the fashion-conscious, setting the stage for an exciting future in the world of high-end fashion.